Yupty Limited

© Yupty 2024

Welcome to Yupty (“Yupty”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), a service provided by Yupty Ltd. Yupty is responsible for the development of https://yupty.live (the “website” or “site”) and all related data, software, APIs, and services (our “services”.) These Terms and Conditions (the “terms”) have been created to ensure a clear understanding between Yupty and any person using our Services (“user” , “you” , “your” , “artist” , “venue”). These Terms, along with our Privacy Policy, apply to your use of our Services.

Upon registering for our Services, you submit that you have read and agreed to these Terms and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use our Services. By accepting these Terms, you have also acknowledged that you are (i) 18 years of age or more, or (ii) 14 years of age or more with your parent(s)’ or legal guardian(s)’ permission.

Yupty reserves the right to amend our Terms at any time. Any recently amended terms will be effective immediately when published to the site.

Our Services

For registered Users who are not an Artist or Venue, (“Fans”), Yupty offers you a discovery service for finding live music events.

For registered performers (“Artists”), our Services facilitate;

  1. A promotions system for Fans to discover your Events.
  2. A scheduling system for at a glance identification of where your next Event(s) are
  3. A booking system with Venues to confirm Events are taking place.

For registered bars, pubs, clubs and locations playing host to live music entertainment (“Venues”), our Services facilitate;

a) a discovery system to improve the likelihood of Fans attending your Events

b) a scheduling system that enables at a glance identification of what Artist(s) are performing in your Venue and when

c) an Event management platform to send, accept and reject Event invitations.

Event Creation

Yupty grants Venues and Artists the ability to create events and upload them onto the Site to be discovered by Users. This happens instantaneously.

Artists and Venues are required to ensure that all information uploaded is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge at all times.

Using our Services